Abstract of [VW92] Prepare and Commit Certification for Decentralized Transaction Management in Rigorous Heterogeneous Multidatabases by Jari Veijalainen and Antoni Wolski Proc. Eighth Internat. Conf. on Data Engineering (Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 3-7, 1992), pp. 470-479. Abstract Algorithms for scheduling of distributed transactions in a heterogeneous multidatabase, in the presence of failures, are presented. The algorithms of prepare certification and commit certification protect against serialization errors called global view distortions and local view distortions. View serializable overall histories are guaranteed in the presence of most typical failures. The assumptions are, among others, that the participating database systems produce rigorous histories, e.g. by using the strict two-phase locking policy, and that no local transaction may update the data accessed by a global transaction that is in the prepared state. The main advantage of the method, as compared to other known solutions, is that it is totally decentralized.